2013 Session Audio

Pastoral Ministry

Title Speaker

America Tomorrow

Dr. Paul Chappell

Balanced Ministry

Dr. Don Sisk

Communicating the Word with Fervor

Dr. Jim Schettler

Developing People of Great Faith

Dr. Mike Norris

Faithfulness to God's Work and God's Word

Mike Edwards

Growing in the Pastorate

Andrew Reed

Leading a Congregation into Increased Ministry

Josh Irmler

Leading Through Difficulty

Dr. Robert Wall

Nurturing the Church Family and the Pastor's Family

Dr. Kevin Folger

Prayer and Revival in the Local Church

Preaching that Pleases God

Dr. Tom Farrell

Raising Up a Generation of Laborers

Dr. John Goetsch

Assistant Pastors

Title Speaker

A Biblical Strategy for Premarital Counseling

Rick Houk

Ministering to the Deaf in Your Community

Rick Allen

Teaching Christians to Tithe

Tim Rosen

The Role of the Assistant Pastor

Jerry Ferrso

Pastors' Wives

Title Speaker

Given to Hospitality

Bonnie Ferrso

Maintaining a Servant's Heart

Jenny Navarrete

Making Ministry a Joyful Journey for Your Family

Terrie Chappell

Adult Ministry

Title Speaker

Building Lives through Adult Sunday School

Gabriel Ruhl

Discipleship Through the Adult Bible Class

Gabriel Ruhl

Reaching and Mentoring Single Adults

Clark Graham

Reaching In to Nurture God's People

Jerry Ferrso

Reaching the Spanish in your community

Carlos Navarrete

Starting New Adult Bible Fellowships

Tim Christoson

The Starting Point Class

Tim Christoson

Witnessing to Muslims

Bill Zaydan

Music Ministry

Title Speaker

Church Pianist Workshop

Shelly Hamilton

Developing Church Musicians in Elementary and High School

Dr. Mike Zachary

Effective Music Scheduling Using Planning Center Online

Jon Guy

Leading Effective Rehearsals

Jon Guy

Taking Your Music Ministry to the Next Level

Dr. Ron Hamilton

Tips for Selecting and Scheduling Music

Jon Guy

Children's Ministry

Title Speaker

Creating an Environment that's Inviting for New Parents

Julie Hanna

Developing the Potential in Children

Lisa Harris

Training Effective Childrens Teachers and Leaders

Matt Bowler

Media and Technology

Title Speaker

Graphic Design for Nondesigners

Andrew Jones

Understanding Sound Technology

Jeremy Lofgren


Title Speaker

Encouraging Others in Faithfulness

Dr. Jim Schettler

Getting the Most of the Word of God

Dr. Mike Lester


Title Speaker

A Devotional Walk with Christ

Tammy Schellenberg


Nicole Christoson

Creative Ideas for the Classroom

Diane Goetsch

Cultivating a Servant's Heart

Alyssa Lofgren

Encouraging Your Pastor's Wife

Kathy Houk

Getting It All Done: Balancing Ministry and Family Life

April Goetsch

Joy in Your Home

Marsha Schearer

Living the Spirit-Filled Life

Suza Rasmussen

Prayer - Asking and Receiving

Debbie Goddard

Reaching Single Ladies

Kay Husband

Teaching and Leading a Ladies Class

Kay Husband

The Disciplines of a Godly Woman

Joyce Jones

The Gratitude Attitude

Rita Weaver

Time Management for Ladies

Trish McCoy

Young Moms and Ministry

Alyssa Lofgren

Student Ministry Leaders

Title Speaker

Equipping and Energizing Teen Workers

Larry Chappell

Inspiring Teens to Live for Christ

Dave Delaney

Public School Outreach

Larry Chappell

The Teen Soulwinning Program

Jon Sisson

Church Administration

Title Speaker

Building Program - Q&A Panel

Tim Christoson

Church Insurance Practicum

Ben Hobbs

Church Staff Development

Dr. Mike Norris

Leading Through a Building Program

Tim Christoson

Managing Life and Ministry with Evernote

Andrew Jones

Ministry Administration 101

Dr. Tom Shepherd

Supporting Your Staff - Human Resources

Deirdre Finn

Secretarial and Support Staff

Title Speaker

Administrative Helps for Managing Information

Danielle Mordh

Church Office Administration

Lisa Stoner

Planning for Success

Angie Zachary

Christian Education

Title Speaker

Instilling Life Principles in Students

Deb Demirjian

Preparation Is the Key

Diane Goetsch

Striving for Academic Excellence

Dr. Jerry Goddard

Leadership Phases

Title Speaker

Leadership in a Church of 300-500

Michael Jones

Leadership in a Church of 500-700

Bud Calvert

Leadership in a Church of 700 and up

Scott Wendal


Title Speaker

Following God's Unique Plan for Your Life

Peter Mordh

Illustrating a Sermon

Dr. John Goetsch

Letting God Mold Your Future

Peter Mordh

The Disciplines of Devotions

Daniel Hopkins


Title Speaker

A Life of Prayerlessness (in Korean)

Timothy Choi

Inspiring Believers in Worship (in Korean)

Enoch Kim

Workmen of God

Title Speaker

Biblical Financial Stewardship

Tim Rosen

Cultivating a Joyful Spirit in the Church

Dr. David McCoy

Encouraging Yourself in the Lord

Grace in Midst of Trials

Dr. Ron Hamilton

Stewarding Our Health

Rick Allen

The Christian Leader's Diet

Tom Barlament

The Pastor's Soul

Dr. Rick Flanders

Thriving in Ministry Relationships

Tim Christoson

Walking in Personal Purity (for Men)

Toby Weaver

Works of God

Title Speaker

A Greater Harvest of Souls

Jerry Ferrso

Biblical Counseling

Rick Houk

Christian School Administration

Jim Lee

Delivering a Sermon

Dr. John Goetsch

Discipleship 101

Gabriel Ruhl

Graphic Design Workshop

Andrew Jones

Human Resources Staff Support

Dr. Tom Shepherd

Improving Instruction in the Classroom

Dr. Jerry Goddard

Leading through Transition

Dr. Paul Chappell

Preparing for a Revival Meeting

Bryan Samms

Reaching Singles & College Age

Clark Graham

Reaching the Spanish Community

Carlos Navarrete

Supporting Your Pastor

Carlos Navarrete

The Ministry of Care Groups

Gabriel Ruhl

Transforming Lives through the Bus Ministry

Jerry Ferrso

Transitioning Church Campuses

Dr. David McCoy