9:30 am |
SoulwinningRevels 102 |
7:45 am |
Morning Prayer with PastorWest Wing 201 |
8:15 am |
Morning ServiceMain AuditoriumDave DelaneyLivestreamed |
9:45 am |
Connection Groups |
10:00 am |
Spanish ServiceWalther Center |
10:45 am |
Korean ServiceRevels 102 |
10:45 am |
Morning ServiceMain AuditoriumDave DelaneyLivestreamed |
10:45 am to 2:00 pm |
The Point OpenThe Point Restaurant |
11:30 am |
Spanish Connection Groups |
12:30 pm |
Lunch with Pastor for early arriving delegatesStudent Life Center |
5:00 pm |
Evening ServiceMain AuditoriumTyler GillitLivestreamed |
5:00 pm |
Spanish Evening ServiceWalther Center |
7:30 pm |
Registration OpenThe Hangar |
7:30 pm |
Striving Together Store OpenThe Hangar |
7:30 pm to 9:00 pm |
The Point, The Hangar, and Great Awakening Open |
7:00 am |
Great Awakening OpenGreat Awakening Café and Bookstore |
1:00 pm |
Registration Open with RefreshmentsThe Hangar |
1:00 pm |
Striving Together Store OpenThe Hangar |
5:45 pm |
Prayer Room OpensWest Wing 201 |
6:00 pm |
Childcare Opens |
6:30 pm |
Evening ServiceMain AuditoriumDr. Paul ChappellLivestreamed |
8:00 pm |
Campus TourRevels 101 - History & Vision Center |
9:00 pm |
Food Truck Fellowship after the ServiceWalther Center |
9:00 pm |
Registration ContinuesThe Hangar |
9:00 pm |
Striving Together Store OpenThe Hangar |
9:00 pm to 10:00 pm |
The Point, The Hangar, and Great Awakening Open |