2019 Session Audio

Wednesday, June 12

Title Speaker

Effects of the Neo-Calvinist Movement in Fundamentalism

Jeff Amsbaugh

Leading in a Day of Spiritual Confusion with Discussion panel

Dr. Paul Chappell

Leading in a Day of Spiritual Confusion with Discussion panel

Dr. Paul Chappell

Staff and Church Transition from a Biblical Perspective

Dr. R.B. Ouellette, Dr. Kevin Folger, Tyler Gillit

Standing Together

Tyler Gillit

The Emptiness of Moralism and the Dangers of Hyper-Grace

Dave Delaney

The Pastor Steadfast in Truth and Practice

Shane Lewis

The Church Security Ministry

Richard Odenthal, Frank Quichocho, John Alvarez

Training Your Security Ministry

Richard Odenthal

Follow Up in a Busy Culture

Gabriel Ruhl

From Community to Core - Follow Up

Peter Mordh

Soulwinning and Hospitality

Dr. Mark Rasmussen

Being an Extension of Your Pastor

Nathan Birt

Being the Extension of Your Pastor in Spanish Ministry

Jerry Collins

Building a Vibrant Adult Bible Class

Gabriel Ruhl

Embellishing Accompaniments

Shelly Hamilton

The Role of Worship in Discipleship

John Tyler, John Williams, Daniel Hopkins, Dr. Russell Shelley

Vocal Coaching for Small Groups

Dr. Russell Shelley

Reaching the Next Generation Effectively

Nathan Birt, Larry Chappell, Dave McCollum

Church Event Photography

Keenan Sultanik

Providing Consistent Computer Support

Tom Francis

Supporting Your Pastor's Wife

Susanah Ruhl

Teaching and Encouraging Ladies

Danielle Mordh

The Role of a Godly Pastor's Wife

Terrie Chappell

Developing Teens with a Heart for God

Larry Chappell

Cultivating a Culture of Transparency

Dr. Tom Shepherd

Legal Reporting and Pointers for the Church

Dr. Tom Shepherd, Ben Hobbs, Dr. Mike Lester, Dr. David Gibbs, Jr.

The Four Horsemen of Project Failure

Brandon Ewing

Oh, The Many Hats You'll Wear!

Brandon Ewing

Beginning Bible Study

Thomas Shepherd

Undermining Skeptical Arguments

David Adams

Alive in Christ

Enoch Kim

Love of Christ that Constraineth

Timothy Choi

A Compassionate Delivery

Dr. John Goetsch

The Introduction to the Sermon

Dr. John Goetsch

A Passion for the Next Generation

Thomas Shepherd

Rightly Divided: A Beginner's Guide to Bible Study

Dr. Mike Lester

Tuesday, June 11

Title Speaker

Honoring Truth in Succession

Lloyd Read

Leading with a Certain Sound (Steadfast in Truth)

Joe Shakour

Maintaining Joyful and Passionate Ministry

Mike Ray

Ministering with Grace and Truth

Dean Miller

Stewardship and Oversight of Local Church Ministry with Discussion Panel

Dr. Paul Chappell

Stewardship and Oversight of Local Church Ministry with Discussion Panel

Dr. Paul Chappell

The Soulwinning Pastor

Dr. Alan Fong

Event Evangelism

Jerry Ferrso

Making Disciples

Gabriel Ruhl

Planning a Sportsman's Outreach

Chad Schearer

Reaching Families through the Bus Ministry

Jacob Bundy

The Gospel to Your City

Dave Delaney

The Prospect List of a Personal Soulwinner

Jerry Ferrso

SLC Asia/Reaching the 10/40 Window

Dr. Kevin Folger

SLC Asia/Reaching the 10/40 Window

Dr. Kevin Folger

Leading an Effective Singles Connection Group

Dr. Mike Lester

Developing the Choral Sound

Dr. Russell Shelley

How to Prepare a Musical Event

John Williams

Crafting an Effective Vacation Bible School

Nathan Birt

Creating Safe and Welcoming Nurseries

Christine Allen

Designing Your First Church Website

Keenan Sultanik

Effective Use of Church Video

Larry Chappell

How to Encourage in the Local Church

Suza Rasmussen

When God Rearranges Your Plan

Marsha Schearer, Terrie Chappell, Danielle Mordh, Kari Shepherd

Leading and Encouraging a Larger Staff

Dr. Mike Norris

Planning and Guiding the Church Budget

Ben Hobbs

Religious Liberty and Media Relations

Updating a Strategic Plan for Your Church

Dr. Tom Shepherd

A Royal Calling: Servant Leadership in Education

Deb Demirjian

Developing Your Own Faith

Dr. Jim Schettler

Personal Effectiveness and Time Management

Thomas Shepherd

Always Abounding

Timothy Choi

Engaging a Corrupt Culture with Truth

Dr. Paul Lee

Collecting the Material for the Sermon

Dr. John Goetsch

The Call to Preach

Dr. John Goetsch

Ministering to Those Overwhelmed with Grief

Brien Deverick

Prayer for Revival

General John Teichert